The EAORC was set up in 2003 to help students and investigators in Evolutionary Anthropology to identify key papers in their subject area as they were published. It was based on an original concept created by Helena Tuzinska, and it has been producing a weekly bulletin (compiled by Martin Edwardes) for over seventeen years now.


The interests of the members of the EAORC are varied, but cluster around language evolution, cultural evolution, and cognitive evolution. The papers, articles and news items selected each week reflect these interests.




How to Join

There is no membership fee or other charge for membership of EAORC. Simply email martin.edwardes@btopenworld.com saying you wish to subscribe. You will be added to the list and you will receive the weekly bulletin.




Predatory Publishers

EAORC supports traditional publishers (free to publish/pay to view), freeview publishers (pay to publish/free to view), and public service publishers (free to publish/free to view). We try to avoid predatory publishers (pay to publish but no legitimate journal to publish in, or pay to publish/pay to view). Lists of predatory publishers are available at:


Beall’s List of Predatory Journals and Publishers


Stop Predatory Journals


Both of these are public service lists based on the original Beall’s List. If in doubt about that offer to publish your paper, check them out. As a rule of thumb, remember Grandma’s advice: If an offer seems too good to be true, it probably is.



Current Publications List

Among the publications reviewed each week for content (or when published) are:


·        American Journal of Physical Anthropology

·        American Scientist

·        Animal Behaviour

·        Anthropology Today

·        Biolinguistics

·        Current Anthropology

·        Current Archaeology

·        Frontiers in Ecology & Evolution

·        Frontiers in Neuroscience

·        Frontiers in Psychology

·        General Anthropology

·        Homo: Journal of Comparative Human Biology

·        International Journal of Primatology

·        Journal of Comparative Human Biology

·        Journal of Human Evolution

·        Journal of Language Evolution

·        Journal of Linguistic Anthropology

·        Journal of Linguistics

·        Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute

·        Language

·        National Geographic

·        Nature

·        Nature Communications

·        Nature Human Behaviour

·        Nature Neuroscience

·        Nature Scientific Reports

·        New Scientist

·        PeerJ

·        Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B

·        Philosophy Now

·        PLOS One

·        PLOS Biology

·        PLOS Genetics

·        PNAS

·        Proceedings of the Royal Society B

·        Quarterly Review of Biology

·        Research on Language & Social Interaction

·        Royal Society Biology Letters

·        Royal Society Open Science

·        Science

·        Science Advances

·        Science Express

·        Scientific American

·        Scientific American Mind

It is an eclectic mix but, with accompanying news items, it does provide effective coverage of advances in the relevant fields.


List of Current Newsfeeds

·        Science News

·        Nature News

·        Scientific American News

·        Sci-news.com

·        Science Daily

·        Sapiens

·        Jstor News

·        Academia.edu

·        National Geographic News

·        Frontiers News

Other relevant news items are included when discovered.