He said a word in his own language,

then translated it:

“Solidarity, ...”

Ursula K. Le Guin


A-word was-said-by of-Pravic the-known-person,

then the-word was-translated:



Voth Fesha grePRavic aTRuv,

Ksal aVoth Vagyra:





About Pravlish

Pravlish is a tool which has emerged from the process of producing translations in tvo-Pravic. It is an old translation trick which has been formalised in the Night School on Anarres project as a teaching aid. The teaching part of the project has a primary and a secondary aim: the secondary aim is to teach tvo-Pravic as a language; but the primary aim is to teach people how to think like an Anarresti. For the primary aim, tvo-Pravic adds an unnecessary level of complexity.


Pravlish uses English words but tvo-Pravic word order. As is the way with any language, different versions have appeared for different purposes. For instance, the Pravlish in the box above is translation Pravlish. It could be rendered in teaching Pravlish as A-word was-said in-Pravic by-the-person, then the-word was-translated: “solidarity…”. The differences are minor, but the second version makes it easier to see the way the language works without less important differences between English and tvo-Pravic becoming obtrusive.


Pravlish is the main teaching tool for the Night School on Anarres project, but for this website it is just a translation methodology. In that role it is, however, a useful way to move meanings between the two languages.


Throughout this website there is a convention in text presentation. English is given in black or purple text. Pravic is given in red text, and Pravlish is given in green text. If it’s underlined bold blue text, it’s a hyperlink.


If you want to find out more about Pravlish, contact me, the unofficial Pravic unofficial librarian, at martin.edwardes@btopenworld.com.