

Design by Martin Edwardes


Produced using

Microsoft Word, PowerPoint and Paint




This website is a showcase for the lifetime events of Martin Edwardes,

sometimes also known as Martin P.J. Edwardes.



EAORC – Evolutionary Anthropology Online Research Community


Scitsiugnil Press – Free book publishing and reading


School Communications – meeting the communication needs of a UK secondary school


Pravic – Learn about Pravic, the language inspired by Ursula K. Le Guin’s book, The Dispossessed



March 2024: New book published:

The Sources of Language Grammar: An anthropological perspective. Scitsiugnil Press: London, UK.

Download a FREE copy today!


July 2019: New book published:

The Origins of Self: An anthropological perspective. UCL Press: London, UK.

Download a FREE copy today!




Space, Time & Context

The three vectors of human socialisation, cognition & communication.

Space: Where we live, think and and work together – Breadth, Depth, Height.

Time: When we live, think and and work together – Was, Will be, May be.

Context: What and Who we are, and Why and How we live, think and work together.


And crawling, on the planet’s face, some insects called the Human Race; lost in Time, and lost in Space and Meaning.

Richard O’Brien, Super Heroes, The Rocky Horror Show.